C'est mon première blog et je voudrais prendre ce blog pour me souvenir les petit choses dans ma vie

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

And Then There Were None


Ten little Indian boys went out to dine;
One choked his little self and then there were nine

Nine little Indian boys sat up very late;
One overslept himself and then there were eight

Eight little Indian boys travelling in Devon;
One said he'd stay there and then there were seven

Seven little Indian boys chopping up sticks;
One chopped himself in havles and then there were six

Six little Indian boys playing with a hive;
A bumblebee stung one and then there were five

Five little Indian boys going in for law;
One got in Chancery and then there were four

Four little Indian boys going out to sea;
A red herring swallowed one and then there were three

Three little Indian boys walking in the Zoo;
A big bear hugged one and then there were two

Two little Indian boys sitting in the sun;
One got frizzled up and then there was one

One little Indian boy left all alone;
He went and hanged himself and then there were none....

這次故事跟金田一的荒島殺人故人很相似, 十個互不相識的人被邀請到一個荒島去參加派對, 正當大家興高彩烈地暢飲時, 突然一把嚴厲的聲音, 一一將他們的殺人記錄公佈出來, 一眾還未定過神來, 其中一住男子, 高聲自認自已車死一對小兄妹, 大喝一口酒後便嗆住, 死了....

受害者接二連三地出現, 到最後... 到低神秘的屋主是誰?!

如果你會看這本書, 或還未看完, 便不要繼續往下讀了... 知道太多內容就沒趣嘛...


這本書, 看得我自己都開始疑神疑鬼起來.... 的確一開始跟金田一漫畫差不多, 但慢慢一個一個受害人出現, 生還者有如困獸鬥, 明知其中一人是凶手, 但到低是誰?!
看小說比起看漫畫最大的好處就是, 即使人物性格不同, 但你不會像看漫畫一樣一看便會知道那幾個畫得最"求其"的, 必定當"炮灰". 而agatha婆婆這次並沒有一個偵探的角色, 基本上所有人物她都會有作第一身的篇幅, 所以讀者很難會有bias, 一路看, 一路覺得入面每個人都有可能是凶手, 但劇情峰迴路轉之下, 又好像無任何一位可以做凶手, 難道有第十一個人?!

一路本住看金田一的心態去睇, 一心以為大約死剩4,5個人便會開故, 點知... 死剩4個, 3 個, 2個, 1個... 連最後一個都死埋!!!! 全島人死清!!!!!! 都未知凶手是誰?! 唔係呀fa!!!!! 真係睇到個心有少少狂跳!! 好驚呀!!!!

尋晚成晚心跳加速之下完成全書... 睇完我真的有點shocked... 又有少少驚... 看畢最尾凶手的自白書後, 反覆回想書中的情節, 嗯, 要根據書中的計劃去辦案, 需要有很多彩數跟巧合, 但agatha婆婆的報局精心, 好creative呀!!! 真的被她嚇親, 說的並不是情節恐怖啦, 只是沒想過可以將事情反轉再反轉, 結局真的估唔到!!

呢本書非常值得推介!! 俾4粒星呀!!!

1 comment:

ying goo said...

